Wednesday 15 August 2012

3WW: Beat / Pressure / Substance

"Now this is the life."  Lounging on the beach in the Caribbean with a cocktail in hand and the pressures of the office left behind, Lousia Munroe has managed to take a vacation from her dull legal career.  A long deserved vacation from a career that has been lacking substance and challenge.  

Corporate law…..what was I thinking getting into corporate law, or any type of law for that matter.  It has taken me six years to realize I can take a vacation without the "world" coming to an end, not to mention a big resounding "no, you'll have to try next year for partnership".   Those words have echoed in my head constantly the past month; since my review with supervising partner Matthew Reinhold.

I have put my whole being into my career and I am no further ahead now than I was when I first started.  How "green" I was when I first walked into Higgins & Higgins LLP, thinking the world is my oyster, I'll be partner in less than 7 years.  Boy was I wrong.  What I would give to beat some sense into the writers of movies and television shows depicting lawyers as living glamorous, fast paced lives.  They couldn't be more wrong.

Thursday 14 June 2012

3WW: Cling / Murmur / Taken

And so I write.  Not sure about what exactly, as the words for this week's Three Word Wednesday are not giving me any inspiration per se.  So I cling to the hope that I may come up with something interesting, however I cannot see how this could possibly evolve when I am inspirationless.  Hmmm I believe I may have just created a new word "inspirationless", nice little ring to it.

I am at work, yes I know I really should be doing just that, work, and I hear the murmurs of colleagues on their phones and the quiet conversations in the halls.  Despite these murmurings it is in fact quiet work wise, which makes for a dull day of nothingness.  If only I could be taken away to a magical land, alas only in daydreams.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

3WW: Control / Flesh / Razor

The Root Canal

Mike sitting in a reclined position,  eyes shut so tight for if he opens them the light will just blind him and he can't stand to look at the man in the mask any longer.  His hands are white knuckled as he grips the arms on the chair.  He hears drilling, suction and feels bits of debris hitting his face every few seconds. 
He jumps ever so slightly in the chair.  "Sonofabitch! That fucking hurt! Was that a razor?", but all the man in the mask hears is mumbling and asks "Did that hurt?".  Mike nods, a tear trickling down his face, trying to control himself.  The man in the mask stops and grabs a syringe, asks Mike to once again open wide.  The syringe feels cold as it is inserted into the flesh of his gums. 

Sunday 29 January 2012

3WW: Bubble / Lumber / Wreck

It was a train wreck of a week for John.  Anything and everything that could go wrong did.  It's now Saturday and he's at the Home Depot trying to get enough lumber to finish off the deck in his backyard.  John stands in line at the check-out counter, watching the television hanging on the wall.  The news is on and yet none of it good; another suicide bombing, another abduction, another car crash, no good news is reported.  It's days and weeks like this when John wishes he could live in his own bubble to block out all the misery in the world.

Saturday 21 January 2012

3WW: Downhill / Freak / Sliver

It's been a busy week, so not a lot of thought has gone into my 3WW submission, but at least I'm giving it a  go :o)


Well what can I say it was all downhill from here.....after getting the courage to go skiing, what else could I say.  I hop off the ski lift and look for the beginner's run.  Just as I near what I believe to be it, I slip to the side and down I go!  Swoosh! "Oh my God!  What the hell!  How do I stop!"  

Thoughts are rushing through my mind - this can't possibly be the easy slope!  Oh gosh, a tree, how the hell do I turn in these freaking skis!!   Thud! I drop my ass into the snow in hopes of slowing down before I hit that inevitable tree.  However, I'm not slowing, what the hell am I to do, I'm going to become some tree's new human bark.....I'm acting like a complete freak with my arms flailing and me screaming at the top of my lungs, and no one around to help!  As I near the tree, I try leaning to the left, I am within feet of the tree and just miss it by a sliver!  Just as I think I'm in the clear, up ahead is a ski jump, oh crap, why the hell can't I slow down....nearing the jump, I brace myself, I am approaching the jump, nearing the end of it, I feel like I'm flying, then look down and realize the ground is coming up at me.....BOOM!

I bolt upright, sweating.  Thank God it was just a dream!

Friday 6 January 2012

One Minute Writer: Today's Prompt - Stone

Sitting on the edge of the fountain, pondering life, I see something glittering in the water.  I lean in to take a closer look, then reach into the tepid water and wrap my fingers around the sparkling unknown.  My hand retreats from the water.  I unwrap my fingers one at a time to unveil the treasure they hold, a stone with amethyst like hues.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

3WW: Naughty / Tactic / Zenith

She sat, beginning her daily meditation
Thinking of her childhood
The times when she was naughty
The tactics she used to get out of trouble
Now gown up
Having learned the art of meditation
She hopes to reach the point of zenith