Thursday 14 June 2012

3WW: Cling / Murmur / Taken

And so I write.  Not sure about what exactly, as the words for this week's Three Word Wednesday are not giving me any inspiration per se.  So I cling to the hope that I may come up with something interesting, however I cannot see how this could possibly evolve when I am inspirationless.  Hmmm I believe I may have just created a new word "inspirationless", nice little ring to it.

I am at work, yes I know I really should be doing just that, work, and I hear the murmurs of colleagues on their phones and the quiet conversations in the halls.  Despite these murmurings it is in fact quiet work wise, which makes for a dull day of nothingness.  If only I could be taken away to a magical land, alas only in daydreams.