Thursday 14 June 2012

3WW: Cling / Murmur / Taken

And so I write.  Not sure about what exactly, as the words for this week's Three Word Wednesday are not giving me any inspiration per se.  So I cling to the hope that I may come up with something interesting, however I cannot see how this could possibly evolve when I am inspirationless.  Hmmm I believe I may have just created a new word "inspirationless", nice little ring to it.

I am at work, yes I know I really should be doing just that, work, and I hear the murmurs of colleagues on their phones and the quiet conversations in the halls.  Despite these murmurings it is in fact quiet work wise, which makes for a dull day of nothingness.  If only I could be taken away to a magical land, alas only in daydreams.


  1. I like your relaxed style of writing. OK it needs working on but time is perhaps a problem. I took a look at some of your previous work even as far back as the travelogue of Paris. In most posts you seemed not to give as much as I wanted. I agree that the Louvre is a cold unfriendly and difficult place to visit and the smaller museums and art galleries are so much better. Versailles is better visited without time constraints so the gardens can be viewed as well as the Trianons and Le hameau. For something entirely different pay me a visit.

  2. Daydreams? or on a much needed vacation? Work tends to do that--stultify.

  3. hopefully you'll become more inspired and your stories will take you away from your deary work place.
