Saturday 21 January 2012

3WW: Downhill / Freak / Sliver

It's been a busy week, so not a lot of thought has gone into my 3WW submission, but at least I'm giving it a  go :o)


Well what can I say it was all downhill from here.....after getting the courage to go skiing, what else could I say.  I hop off the ski lift and look for the beginner's run.  Just as I near what I believe to be it, I slip to the side and down I go!  Swoosh! "Oh my God!  What the hell!  How do I stop!"  

Thoughts are rushing through my mind - this can't possibly be the easy slope!  Oh gosh, a tree, how the hell do I turn in these freaking skis!!   Thud! I drop my ass into the snow in hopes of slowing down before I hit that inevitable tree.  However, I'm not slowing, what the hell am I to do, I'm going to become some tree's new human bark.....I'm acting like a complete freak with my arms flailing and me screaming at the top of my lungs, and no one around to help!  As I near the tree, I try leaning to the left, I am within feet of the tree and just miss it by a sliver!  Just as I think I'm in the clear, up ahead is a ski jump, oh crap, why the hell can't I slow down....nearing the jump, I brace myself, I am approaching the jump, nearing the end of it, I feel like I'm flying, then look down and realize the ground is coming up at me.....BOOM!

I bolt upright, sweating.  Thank God it was just a dream!

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